Monday, February 25, 2013

Hello Hue! { Dubrovnik, Croatia }

My main impressions of old Dubrovnik were stone, stone and more stone.  This was the gate we entered and exited from, and looking through the colors, I realized that the stone itself is so multicolored, it could be a whole hue-board all on its own.  I ultimately decided to include the lemon tree because a) it's cute and b) I love, love, LOVE gray and green together.  If I could paint my house (vinyl siding, boo), it would be gray.  With a green door.  *sigh.  Let's take a look...

 Springview Green
Scotland Isle

With all the greenery and gray stone (and since we had SUCH a good time at the outdoor bar), I figured a patio would be best suited to the Dubrovnik color scheme.  Something simple and classic, surrounded by tons of leafy greens.  (Leafy that only to do with salads?) 

Something like this:


Target has some great options for patio sets - even better if you can catch them on sale (especially if it is Smith and Hawken). Here's a completely Tar-jay-sourced patio set.  Nothing too overboard, and similar enough to my (almost certainly) splurge-y inspiration picture.


What do we think?  Are you practically sipping warm beer at a cliffside bar in Croatia?  

*Sorry for the lack of posting recently - it took us a solid week to recover from the jet-lag.  So ridiculous...we didn't even leave our own country!  But the Pacific Coast was heavenly...posts to come soon!

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